Corporate Financial Advisory Services
- Assist in evaluating/understanding the ramifications and financial impact of complex transactions
- Creating or improving your "financial and operating management reports"
- Improving your budgeting and forecasting process
- Asset/liability management assistance
- Reviewing the company's identified key performance indicators, goals set, and the company's performance
- Merger and acquisition services
- Assistance in preparing to become a publicly traded company
- Determining the nature and cause of internal and external financial reporting errors and amendments
- Evaluating your internal control management certification and exception reporting processes for effectiveness
- Assistance in starting, managing and operating deNovo Banks and other start-up companies
- Sarbanes-Oxley Act compliance assistance
Risk Management Services
- Performing a comprehensive financial and information technology (IT) risk assessment
- Reviewing the adequacy of your risk mitigation controls
- Improving your risk management process
- Establishing monitoring systems and processes to determine that your risk mitigation controls are being performed
- Developing remediation plans for failed risk mitigation controls, including new or additional controls
- Reviewing the company's internal audit plan from a risk management perspective
Developing a Plan with Our Risk Management Services
As a business owner, you will need to take risks for the growth of your company. However, when not appropriately handled, these risks could lead to significant losses for your company’s bottom line. This is why it is essential to take advantage of our risk management services in Atlanta, GA. At Bricker & Associates, LLC, we have a deep understanding of the financial markets and will help your company find the strategies and growth opportunities that should net the most gain.
Our team also helps your business set up thorough risk assessment and mitigation plans to ensure that your company is kept in the right direction. To learn more about assessing and mitigating risk within your business, reach out to our office. Our team is always happy to answer your questions and give you any assistance you require.
Financial Planning
In addition to helping you manage your company’s risk, our team also provides corporate financial consulting to help you develop a sound monetary plan. We work closely with you and your board to help you understand your financial statements and how to use the data they provide to make the right decisions for your business’s growth.
Contact us when you need help with risk management or financial planning. We proudly serve Atlanta, GA, and the surrounding areas.